Saturday, 5 January 2013

Let's Talk Call Outs.

Lets Talk SWAT Call Outs.

Hi All,
So lets talk Halo 4 Call outs.

Call outs - To tell an ally team mate where the opponent is.

So Recently I've been playing with friends and I have been using call outs on some of the maps that are simple compared to other call outs for the game. Because I specifically play SWAT, The call outs I feel don't have to be as precise, as calling out is mainly used to give your team mates an advantage. You know where the enemies are, and the enemies don't know where you are.  That is unless the enemy team is also calling out. I have stolen mini-maps and drawn over them as an excuse to show off my "MS Paint Skills".
I have not yet created my own call outs on all maps. But I have on Complex, Haven and Abandon.


Haven is by far my favourite map for swat. It reminds me of Guardian in Halo 3, except the current Meta-Game is to bum rush top mid.

As you can see the call outs I currently use are a little different to what other people would use.
Q: Why is it N and D?
A: Because on Infinity Slayer, one side spawns the needler and one side spawns the sticky detonator
N = Needler, D = Detonator

Q: What about Bottom?
A: I find it's easier to just add bottom, before the actual call out "Bottom Mohawk" "Bottom N Street"
 I haven't included bottom because unless the enemy team are campers, bottom is never used in the current meta-game.

I feel these call outs are easiest for me but I find its all down to preference.


Now Complex is tricky. The map is so large it is very difficult to simplify the call outs. So I have reduced the call outs as much as I can.

When I use these call outs, I find them to be more useful then the original call outs for this map. This is purely because of the SWAT play style and how long range it is on this map.
Q: Why Mcdonalds?
A: I dunno, S'cool.

Q: Why back garage, it's not exactly "back" garage?
A: It needed a name because its a common spot/spawn, so I called it back garage.

In all honesty, I hate Complex for SWAT. But you gotta do what you gotta do.


Abandon is my second favourite map for Halo 4. Some awesome set-ups can be run on this map if you have a team.
Quick Caption to say it should say "Whomping Willow" in the centre. Sorry.
Firstly sorry if it is unclear, it was a really hard map to draw on. regardless,

Q: Whomping Willow?
A: My friend came up with this call out. At first I didn't understand, but then when I looked it up it had me in stitches. It is a tree from Harry Potter. Google image "whomping willow" - look at it - now look at the tree on abandon. My point proven.

Q: R1 R2 R3 which is which?
A: R1 is the bottom floor, R2 is second and R3 is the top floor.

Solace and Adrift?

These maps I am still working on. but for some help here are some mini-maps I found which should help you out a little.


- Jyypo

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