Sunday, 20 January 2013

Solace Swat, BR or DMR?

So what do you go as a preference for Solace BR or DMR?

This is a question I have been pondering on team SWAT recently. The average amount of encounters on the map are long range so it seems obvious to go DMR. But when I cross the mid mark with the DMR I get owned short range by the BR. Hmmmmm.

I decided to look into this to find out what is the best viable option. I will break down each weapon and look at the advantages and the disadvantages.

DMR: Pro’s on Solace

  • The DMR is long range and ideal for large maps on SWAT·         
  • Because this map is long range and you have a long range weapon this allows you to be extremely mobile, there is not one distance on this map that cannot be reached by the DMR.
  • This weapon is great for the top, across the map start out.

Con’s on Solace

  • You will get owned at short range by a (good) BR user.
  • ·Anywhere in the mid region you are a prime target, the DMR is not rapid enough to hold off countless enemies
  • It is impossible to run a static set-up on this map (against good players) with the DMR

BR: Pro’s on Solace

  • Ideal for constantly picking off enemies that are trapped in the spawn and trying to push out.
  • When in mid, the BR can cover most ranges on the map.
  • Close range battles against DMR users are no issue.

Con’s on Solace

  •  Against a DMR you will get annihilated with the DMR, this makes going top red or blue a very bad idea.
  •  When you are trapped in the spawn by a good setup, with the BR it will be hard to break it.
  •  The start out can be very difficult unless you go a close range root. (like bottom mid)

So, What do?

Well, the answer is you can go whatever you want, both weapons have the exact same amount of push on this map. However what does matter is whatever weapon you use has to reflect on your play style. I've categorised them, but it kind of seems completely backwards.

Aggression:- For aggressive play styles, I recommend the DMR. With the DMR being so long range. It allows you to be mobile on any part of the map and it can reach any distance with ease. However, when the distance gets too close range. I recommend you try using the pistol for more rapid bursts.
Below I have highlighted some roots to try taking, feel free to alter them if using the alterations causes an improvement.
DMR Roots on SWAT Solace

Relaxed and conservative:- If you like sitting in controlling spots, I recommend you use the BR. The reason for this is because if you control mid. The ability to pick people off is extremely easy. I have highlighted some key spots I like to sit when I am using the BR.

BR Spots on SWAT Solace

 However, if you use these spots, you must look at the location of your team mates and always be completely aware of any change in enemies spawns. You have to know this in order to use the barriers in the middle as cover from enemy fire. Also try using bottom mid with the BR. The enemy never expect it.

If you find yourself doing badly in a game of Solace SWAT, try changing your weapon and your play style. This can always throw off the enemy massively.

- Jyypo

Monday, 7 January 2013

Haven SWAT, 2 person set-up

Haven SWAT, 2 person set-up

Hi all,
After playing a couple of Swat games with my friend recently we have been frequently playing Haven. Lately we have been going on a win streak for this map because we have created a set up that I share.

1st Player - Running top-mid

Okay so the first person has to run top mid. If you can't decide who you think should run it, I recommend the person with the fastest reactions out of the two. Seen as the said person must react promptly to spawns.

2nd Player - Back and forth from (Red - Closed - Blue)

The person who I recommend to run this set up has to be the most accurate of the two players. Seen as the said person has to have a lock on ability to the enemies.

How it Works

If you have two people running these set-ups the spawns seem to be very well controlled. (That's if the enemies are locked down at the spawns.)
The person in top mid is mainly used as the spawn trapper. If you know where the enemies are going to spawn from top mid this can be extremely well controlled. It racks up a lot of double kills.
The person hovering from blue - closed - red. Picks off any stragglers which ensures that the whole team remains where they spawn.

The person in top mid has the priority off wiping off the less obvious spawns. These include Open spawn, and spawning bottom of either the lifts. 


Red ramp spawn and blue ramp spawn will be extremely locked down, the enemies will not be able to leave these spawns due to the pressure that they receive from two angles (top mid and blue/red window)

The lifts will always be controlled as long as you listen out for them. Make sure you know the enemy has lifted before you react catching them off guard.


If you are not aware that they have spawned open the instant they spawn there. This will instantly result in the death of the player running top mid. If the enemy spreads out, it will be harder to monitor spawns.

If a player spawns any ramp at runs bottom, and you are not aware of the player doing so, they can catch you off guard by attacking up closed ramp, or altering the spawns so the enemy team spawns bottom.

Top mid tips

Make sure you rotate which platforms and landing pads you stand on to make sure that you will not be targeted on the enemies next respawn (Always Keep Moving!)

Always check red and blue ramps before you check open. If you check open before the ramps, and an enemy does spawn ramp... You're dead.

Red - Closed - Blue tips

Never, under any circumstanced travel further then either red or blue window. As soon as you do, you will fail to support your team mate in top mid.

Make sure you set up on Mohawk when you are convinced it is an open spawn.

What about the other two guys?

Use your team mates as a tool. Evaluate where your team mates are in order to figure out where the enemies could be and where they are most likely to spawn.

You could also integrate this into a 4 player set-up by getting your team mates to sit red and blue lift. This will cancel out any bottom mid spawn, and force the enemies to only spawn open, red or blue and you will have full view of bottom.

Set up counter

If you play this set-up it is important you are aware of the contours.

Double lift - If the enemies lift from both lifts at the same time, this will result in the player in top mid dying. unless the player positions themselves on no platform, picking off a lifting player and then jump shoting the next when they have landed

Running closed from bottom - If a player is aware of what you are doing they will most likely run bottom to closed to catch you off guard, be aware of this.

Open to top mid rush - If all players spawn open and run platform, this will over run the person in top mid due to positioning.

Main Spawns to watch

I have hi-lighted the main spawns to watch in red, and the uncommon but possible spawns in blue.

The spawns tend to rotate, They mainly switch back and forth from red to blue ramp. If you pick the enemies off enough times, they spawn open and lifts.

There are two main causes for the players spawning closed or tunnels.

Closed - The player running red - closed - blue has travelled to close to one of the ramps, and a team mate is sitting on the other.

Red/blue tunnel - You have each team mate placed (open, bottom closed, red ramp, blue ramp)

Final words

I hope enjoy my information of this set up and hope it helped your Haven play style for SWAT.

Kind Regards,

- Jyypo

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Let's Talk Call Outs.

Lets Talk SWAT Call Outs.

Hi All,
So lets talk Halo 4 Call outs.

Call outs - To tell an ally team mate where the opponent is.

So Recently I've been playing with friends and I have been using call outs on some of the maps that are simple compared to other call outs for the game. Because I specifically play SWAT, The call outs I feel don't have to be as precise, as calling out is mainly used to give your team mates an advantage. You know where the enemies are, and the enemies don't know where you are.  That is unless the enemy team is also calling out. I have stolen mini-maps and drawn over them as an excuse to show off my "MS Paint Skills".
I have not yet created my own call outs on all maps. But I have on Complex, Haven and Abandon.


Haven is by far my favourite map for swat. It reminds me of Guardian in Halo 3, except the current Meta-Game is to bum rush top mid.

As you can see the call outs I currently use are a little different to what other people would use.
Q: Why is it N and D?
A: Because on Infinity Slayer, one side spawns the needler and one side spawns the sticky detonator
N = Needler, D = Detonator

Q: What about Bottom?
A: I find it's easier to just add bottom, before the actual call out "Bottom Mohawk" "Bottom N Street"
 I haven't included bottom because unless the enemy team are campers, bottom is never used in the current meta-game.

I feel these call outs are easiest for me but I find its all down to preference.


Now Complex is tricky. The map is so large it is very difficult to simplify the call outs. So I have reduced the call outs as much as I can.

When I use these call outs, I find them to be more useful then the original call outs for this map. This is purely because of the SWAT play style and how long range it is on this map.
Q: Why Mcdonalds?
A: I dunno, S'cool.

Q: Why back garage, it's not exactly "back" garage?
A: It needed a name because its a common spot/spawn, so I called it back garage.

In all honesty, I hate Complex for SWAT. But you gotta do what you gotta do.


Abandon is my second favourite map for Halo 4. Some awesome set-ups can be run on this map if you have a team.
Quick Caption to say it should say "Whomping Willow" in the centre. Sorry.
Firstly sorry if it is unclear, it was a really hard map to draw on. regardless,

Q: Whomping Willow?
A: My friend came up with this call out. At first I didn't understand, but then when I looked it up it had me in stitches. It is a tree from Harry Potter. Google image "whomping willow" - look at it - now look at the tree on abandon. My point proven.

Q: R1 R2 R3 which is which?
A: R1 is the bottom floor, R2 is second and R3 is the top floor.

Solace and Adrift?

These maps I am still working on. but for some help here are some mini-maps I found which should help you out a little.


- Jyypo

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Hi Welcome

This is a new Blog I am going to be starting and I will be posting once a week at least. This is mainly an archive for me, but I'm leaving it public.